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Who We Are
Founded by Ronni Kahn AO in 2004 after noticing the huge volume of food going to waste, OzHarvest quickly grew to become Australia’s leading food rescue organisation. Food is at our core, saving surplus food from ending up in landfill and delivering it to charities that help feed people in need. We are committed to halving food waste by 2030, inspiring and influencing others to do the same, and transforming lives through education.

What We Do

People in need

To create positive change

For food security and to fight food waste

For social impact

Global Harvest
OzHarvest has spread its wings overseas in a bid to tackle global food waste and reduce hunger. Our unique model has been introduced in five countries embracing our vision for a world when no-one goes hungry and food is valued not wasted.

Meet our OzHarvest Family

Anthony and the BigDog team provide disability support services to young adults with intellectual impairments, including day centre activities, community participation and life skills. The BigDog team love seeing what we've got on board each week and never shy away from a "how do we use this vegetable" challenge!
QLD State Manager

When you hear stories that people are choosing between topping up their Opal card and having dinner - it's really rough. So, providing free food gives them peace of mind to know they can use that money to make an appointment or go to the doctor, and just not worry about how they're going to be fed - it takes a real weight off someone's mind.
Bernard (Beez) Deojee
The Way

At YouthBeat we provide long term support for youth in homes as well as through our outreach for street present youth. The food donated by OzHarvest helps support young people who are struggling, especially with food and budgeting and it is truly invaluable to our work and our clients.
Mission Australia YouthBeat

We come to the market once or twice a week, which is a life saver and gets us through the week. Sometimes we get food for a neighbour in need too.” Yvonne, 92, and her daughter Sylvie have been coming to the OzHarvest Market since it opened.
OzHarvest Market Customer

"Orlando joined the OzHarvest family as a food rescue driver in 2010. He is an incredibly quiet achiever, a humble beautiful soul and brightens everyone’s day with his smile, hugs and hola’s. He even roped in his son, Henry, into becoming a casual driver for a few years."
Head of DNA

Martin joined OzHarvest because he wanted to help other people. His favourite day of the week is Wednesday when he helps out at the OzHarvest Market, unloading food from the delivery van with his favourite driver Jack and sorting out large bulk foods into smaller portions.
OzHarvest Sydney volunteer
What's Happening at OzHarvest

Buy a Teaspoon of Love
A symbol of hope and collective action we can all take to do good in the world. It’s also a nice way to make a donation and help us deliver 40 meals to feed people in need.

Pay It Forward Dinners
Dine with us every Thursday night at Refettorio OzHarvest Sydney for our Pay It Forward dinners and help feed people in need.

Cooking for a Cause
Cooking for a Cause is a unique team building activity. Transform rescued ingredients into gourmet meals, which we deliver to the local community.