QLD News

OzHarvest Gold Coast milestone – saves one million kgs of food from landfill

by OzAdmin

September 28, 2017

Gold Coast volunteers and Lee
Gold Coast volunteers and Lee
QLD News

OzHarvest Gold Coast milestone – saves one million kgs of food from landfill

by OzAdmin

The fight against food waste has reached a major milestone this week as OzHarvest Gold Coast rescues its one millionth kilogram of food.  The landmark collection will be made from national partner Woolworths at their Robina store.

Lee Danahay, OzHarvest Gold Coast Manager explained how this staggering amount has been saved from landfill in just four years, thanks to the tremendous support from Woolworths and other businesses donating quality surplus food across the city.

“Food rescue operations have grown rapidly since our 2013 launch from ten donors to more than eighty local businesses, donating an average five tonnes of food each week.  This huge milestone has been made possible in such a short time by working with committed Gold Coast businesses who are passionate about stopping good food going to waste and getting it to people in need.”

“Saving a million kilograms of food from landfill is also significant for the environment as it equates to over two million kilograms of carbon emissions which create harmful greenhouse gases contributing to climate change.”

Woolworths Robina Store Manager, Tony Brajevic added:  “At Woolworths, we are committed to working towards zero food waste to landfill.

“To help meet this commitment, while also supporting the growing need for hunger relief across Australia, we are proud to partner with OzHarvest to ensure the food that cannot be sold in our supermarkets goes to feeding people in need.

“Through the donation of food rescued from our stores on the Gold Coast and nationally, as well as donations of money from our customers, Woolworths has helped OzHarvest to deliver four million meals over the past year.”

Amongst other Gold Coast food donors are Norco, local farmers markets, hotels and the Gold Coast Convention Centre, who have all embraced OzHarvest’s purpose to Nourish our Country, regularly donating nutritious food to allow the equivalent of three million meals to be delivered to more than 70 charities in the Gold Coast area.

With Australian’s throwing out an estimated four million tonnes of food each year costing the nation $20 billion annually, OzHarvest and their 3,000 food donors are playing a vital role in addressing this issue.

OzHarvest relies on donations to keep their wheels moving.  Every $1 donated allows OzHarvest to deliver the equivalent of two meals to people in need. www.ozharvest.org/give-a-little-love/donate-money/