Partnership News

OzHarvest Mobile Market drives into a new year and welcomes new supporter Chill

by OzAdmin

January 28, 2021

Partnership News

OzHarvest Mobile Market drives into a new year and welcomes new supporter Chill

by OzAdmin

The OzHarvest Mobile Markets will continue to deliver nourishing food to regional communities across NSW in 2021, thanks to ongoing support from NSW Government and new supporter, cold storage company Chill.

After launching in 2020, the two mobile markets have visited 27 towns and been recognised as a force for good, distributing more than 135,000kg of fresh produce and dry goods, and supporting around 15,000 regional households in need.

Our amazing OzHarvest Mobile Market team will continue to deliver much needed food relief throughout this year, connecting with local organisations and indigenous communities supporting families doing it tough after the impact of bushfires and COVID in 2020. Plans are underway to add more locations in the Riverina Murray food bowl region, and increasing the number of towns visited to 33 by April.

Gabriella Dal Pozzo, OzHarvest Mobile Market Manager, explains, “Due to the life-altering challenges that so many regional towns endured last year, including devastating bushfires, the reverberating effects of droughts, the ongoing mental health crisis, increased unemployment due to COVID-19 and pension limitations, more people than ever need our help.”

“The OzHarvest team is continuously overwhelmed by the warm welcomes and support from inspiring rural community leaders, which ensures we can continue to deliver impact, comfort and hope for these beautiful communities. Our weekly visits allow us to connect with countless individuals and families during this difficult time.”

A resident from Quirindi expressed their gratitude for the extra support, and even volunteered to help distribute the food. “I just want to say thank you so much for the generosity given to our district with the Mobile Market visits. It is so much appreciated. Your staff were very obliging, courteous and helpful and there was a constant stream of customers all leaving with smiles and full bags of groceries. My sincere thanks for supporting small country towns and districts.”

In addition to NSW Government funding, the mobile market is welcoming a new proud supporter – CHILL, sponsoring both vans as well as a cool room. With a long history of supporting community projects, this support is testament to CHILL’s commitment to a brighter future for people and the planet and has enabled the program to grow this year.

Andrew Wade, Managing Director of CHILL, said, “The collaboration between OzHarvest and CHILL mean together we can help solve the food wastage problem. Keeping the food at the right temperature for longer allows the redistribution to vulnerable communities and is an essential part of the solution to feed those most in need. We are committed and excited to be part of Oz Harvest’s vision and of course mobilising CHILL’s refrigerated assets for a great cause.

“Thanks to the support of CHILL and other amazing donors, OzHarvest can continue to support people in regional communities, such as one Murrurundi resident who saw the truck and yellow shirts in his local park. “I was curious and walked over… what a delight for a bloke that lost the farm in the drought and has done it tough mentally and financially this last two years, to experience such generosity and warmth. The grin stayed plastered on my face for hours and there was a tear in my eye. To each and every one of you, thank you and god bless you.”

For every $1 donated, OzHarvest is able to deliver two meals to people in need. Help keep our wheels turning by heading to and donating today.